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Brand: MuscleMeds


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Kai Greene has been working closely with MuscleMeds researchers as a test subject on some experimental formulas prior to making them available to the public. When evaluating Kai's protein intake, MuscleMeds researchers noticed Kai was making better muscle gains when eating beef than when using whey or casein supplements.* At one point, Kai was eating 6 to 9lbs of beef a day and making great gains, but the high consumption of beef was causing stomach distress and also elevating Kai's fat intake and cholesterol beyond where the MuscleMeds research team wanted it. This prompted the development of CARNIVOR, all beef protein isolate, which Kai used to promote muscle and capture the Arnold Classic Crown.*

Beef Protein Isolate is More Concentrated Than Steak and More Concentrated Than Whey:

Using extraction, clarification, hydrolysis and isolation technologies CARNIVOR's Bioengineered Beef Protein Isolate delivers the muscle building power of beef with higher amino acid levels than many other protein sources used in supplements including: whey, soy, milk and egg. CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate is even more concentrated in anabolic muscle building aminos than a prime sirloin steak! And it has no fat or cholesterol!*

Carnivor Carnivor