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Brand: Protein A Rabais

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Brand: Protein A Rabais
Category: Coach Mathys

Essential vitamins

Category: Coach Mathys
Mag-4 (XPN) 90 caps
Vitamins D3 (New Roots Herbal) 1000UI 180 caps
Omega 3 (Allmax Nutrition) 180 caps
Greens (Yummy Sport ) 30 serv
Multi vitamins (Multi max immune )(New Roots Herbal) 60 caps
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Mag-4 (XPN) 90 caps

SUMMARY:MAG-4 PLUS is a formula for sleep aid and anxiety reduction.

Composed of four magnesium chelates, MAG-4 PLUS promotes better assimilation than more common magnesium salts.

MAG-4 PLUS also contains Tryptophan, which may help increase serotonin levels in the brain, leading to a reduction in sleep latency (time to sleep).

SUGGESTED USE:Take 1 to 2 capsule(s) 20 minutes before bedtime.

WARNINGS: Do not use if pregnant, lactating or underage. If you are taking medication or have a medical condition, please consult your doctor before taking MAG-4 PLUS.


Vitamin D3 (New Roots Herbal) 1000IU 180 caps

Each capsule contains 1,000 IU of this essential vitamin in dosable mini-capsules measuring less than a centimetre. Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption, immune performance and many metabolic functions.

New Roots Herbal Vitamin D3 capsules provide biologically active vitamin D3 formulated with MCT oil for enhanced absorption. Vitamin D3 is essential for the absorption and regulation of calcium and phosphorus levels required for strong bones, teeth and nails. Equally important is vitamin D3's positive effect on immune function.


Omega 3 (Allmax Nutrition) 180 caps

Omega 3 Ultra pure cold water fish oil concentrate

EPA : DHA omega 3 EFA ratio

Source of omega 3 essential fatty acids

Excellent source of EPA and DHA

Helps support brain function


Greens (Yummy Sport ) 30 serv

Supplementing with green supplements can be beneficial for energy, recovery, antioxidant status and bone health.

Our product is loaded with enzymes, antioxidants, prebiotics and fiber to help improve your overall health and increase your natural energy.


Multi vitamins (Multi max immune )(New Roots Herbal) 60 caps

Multi-Max Immune is more than a multivitamin; it's our most complete multivitamin for everyone. It provides vitamins, minerals, cofactors, amino acids, antioxidants and nutraceuticals, boosting immunity.

Essential vitamins