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Brand: NIH supp

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Brand: NIH supp


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Theanine: Your Ally for Balance and Serenity!Discover the multiple benefits of theanine, a natural substance with exceptional properties, carefully designed to enhance your physical and mental well-being.


✨ Calm and Relaxation: Theanine promotes a state of calm and relaxation, creating a haven of tranquility in your often hectic daily routine.

✨ Improved Sleep Quality: Plunge into peaceful, restorative nights, as theanine promotes deep relaxation for optimal sleep quality.

✨ Cortisol Reduction: Our formula helps reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, enabling you to better cope with the challenges of everyday life.

✨ Enhanced Concentration: Experience improved focus and mental clarity with theanine, ideal for supporting your cognitive performance.

✨ Clinically Proven Anxiety Reduction: Theanine is clinically proven to reduce anxiety, offering natural support to relieve mental tension.Transform your daily life with the soothing power of theanine.

Enjoy a more balanced life, where serenity becomes your ally. Opt for peace of mind and discover a natural approach to improving your overall well-being.theanine - your path to inner balance

L-Théanine L-Théanine